Monday, January 2, 2012

tante pose / slouchy crocheted hat

Godt nyttår! Jeg åpner bloggåret 2012 med å flytte et mønster over i bloggen min. Det har lenge vært et mål å ha dem samlet her. Og forhåpentligvis kan jeg i 2012 lage flere mønster som jeg kan dele med dere! Merk at dette ikke er et mønster i ordets rette forstand, men er du en hekler som meg så følger du ikke mønster uansett!

Garn: Merino Big Superfein fra Lana Grossa (50g=120m)
Heklekrok: 5mm
Ravelry-link: tante pose (krever innlogging)

La opp ca 58 masker (maskeantall må være delelig på 2), og samlet til en ring med 1 km i første maske. Det ser ut til at mange som har laget denne lua har hatt problemer med at den blir for trang. Det kan være en god idè å legge opp flere masker! Mål luftmaskeraden rundt hodet for å se om den passer. Se eventuelt ferdige prosjekter på Ravelry for garnerstatning og antall masker.

1. omgang: Halvstaver
2. omgang: 1 fm og 1 st i samme maske, hopp over neste maske, 1 fm og 1 st i samme maske, hopp over neste maske osv. runden ut. Fest med km i første maske på omgangen.
3. omgang: 1 fm i hver maskes bakerste maskeledd (maskeleddet som er lengst fra deg/som vender utover).

Omgang 2 og 3 utgjør mønsteret. Gjenta disse omgangene til arbeidet måler 14.5 cm.
Første gang jeg heklet omgang 3 økte jeg ca hver 7. maske, men det hadde jeg nok ikke trengt å gjort, lua utvidet seg litt i bruk. Kunne kanskje heller ha startet med litt færre masker.

Når arbeidet målte 14.5 cm gikk jeg over til fastmasker og heklet disse rund og rundt (istedet for å feste med km for hver runde). Dette gjorde jeg til jeg syntes lua var lang nok, og så gjorde jeg felling:
1. omgagn felling: Fell hver 7. maske, hekle så en omgang uten felling.
2. omgang felling: Fell hver 6. maske
3. omgang felling: Fell hver 5. maske
Så hver 4., hver 3. og hver 2. maske på de neste omgangene, og så hver andre maske til noen få masker gjenstår.

Lengde på lua fra toppen og ned: 29.5 cm.

In English:
This crocheted hat "how-to" (not a pattern, I am too lazy to write all the explanations to how I join each round, weave in ends and so on, but I hope this is ok anyway...).

Yarn: Merino Big Superfein from Lana Grossa (50g=120m)
Hook size: 5mm

Chain 58 st and join with slip st to first st. (I now see that many of you have made the hat, and it turns out too small. Try measuring around your head before continuing, and add stitches if it is too small. Please refer to finished projects on Ravelry for yarn replacements and number of stitches). Number of stitches should be devidable by 2.

Ravelry link: tante pose (login required)

Row 1: Hdc in each st
Row 2: *1 sc and 1 dc in same st, skip 1 st* ,repeat.
Row 3: 1 sc in each st worked in the back loop only
Row 2 and 3 is the pattern stich. Continue pattern stitch until the work measures 14.5 cm (I did som increases in the beginning, but I think it would be better not to do it, my hat got a little bigger after wearing it a few times. Maybe I even should have started with less stitches).

When the hat measures 14.5 cm, stop the stitch pattern, and start crocheting sc in each st round and round (I am too lazy to join each round, so I just go round and round!). I did this until I felt the hat was long enough (not very informative, I know..), and started decreasing. I think this is how I did it:

Dec row 1: Dec every 7. st
Make 1 row without decreases
Dec row 2: Dec every 6. st
Dec row 3: Dec every 5. st
Dec row 4: Dec every 4. st
Dec row 5: Dec every 3. st
Dec row 6: Dec every 2. st
Continue decreasing every 2. st until there are only a few st left

The hat measures 29.5 cm from top to bottom. 


  1. Dette så da egentlig overraskende overkommelig ut ;) Og denne lua syns jeg var veldig fin ! Jeg har lyst til å prøve :)

    Godt nytt år !
    Klem fra Janne

  2. Ynskjer deg eit godt nytt år! Gler meg til å fylgje bloggen din i det nye året! :)

  3. Vad fin mössan var! Tack för att du delar med dig av mönstret. :-)

  4. Hvor er den skøn - tror jeg må prøve opskriften! Tak fordi du deler :)

  5. I'm wondering what you mean by " Row 2 and 3 "pattern Stitch"???

    1. By that I mean that row 2 and 3 makes the pattern stitch (Row 1: Hdc in each st
      Row 2: *1 sc and 1 dc in same st, skip 1 st* ,repeat.
      Row 3: 1 sc in each st worked in the back loop only
      Row 2 and 3 is the pattern stich. Continue pattern stitch until the work measures 14.5 cm). Continue doing row 2 and 3 until you want to switch to single crochet only (I did the pattern stitch until the hat measured 14,5 cm). Did this at all answer your question?

    2. I know I'm late to the party but I love your hat! I just started working on it and I am also confused about row 2 and 3. I can see that you call it the 'pattern stitch' but I do not know what that is. Is the pattern stitch the stitches from row 2? One sc with a hdc in the same stitch, then skip a stitch and repeat? I appreciate the free pattern!

    3. I love your hat, but your laziness is out of control! I only just realized that you're supposed to skip a stitch after every SC, DC. This is one "how-to" that shouldn't have been posted.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. That hat turned out absolutely horrible! I hope you will wise up and take this "how-to" down because it is more like a "how-not-to!"

    7. this pattern was extremely simple to follow, if you could not follow it, it is your own inexperience at fault. thanks great hat! great for beginners

  6. Can I pay to have you make me one and send it?

    1. Sorry, as of now I do not sell the things I make. I wish I had the time Ü But maybe you know someone that knows how to crochet?

  7. Is there an English version of this pattern?

  8. Hi...Im having a very hard time finishing this hat. I seem to end up always making a point...any suggestions or tips? If I continue decreasing stitches until just a few left its pointy :( I love the pattern stitch by the way!

    1. I haven't done this type of pattern before, but I am guessing maybe after you finished going around the hat as many times as you wanted and started decreasing the 1st row, then don't decrease the second one, then try decreasing the next rows at a more gradual rate. This is only a suggestion cuz I don't know the pattern. But if you look at the pic of it being worn it really doesn't look like it was decreased that fast... If you will. I hope this works, I'm working on mine now also, so I hope it works out for the both of us!

    2. Sorry youy are having problems. Strange that your increases makes a pointy hat... Whan I say decrease every 7th stitch, I mean: Crochet 6 stitches, make 1 decrease (crochet 2 stitches together) all the way around. If your hat is pointy, I would suggest you start by decreasing maybe ever 5th stitch og 4th stitch, instead of every 7th.

    3. And to Deb over here: I assure you the pattern describes exactly how the decreases were done! I know, because I made the hat, and wrote down the pattern for it.

  9. Hei. Har heklet noen luer utifra dine oppskrifter, med stor glede :-).Noen er gitt vekk som gaver. Nå har det seg sånn at en av disse luene igjen er ønsket som gave, men jeg får dessverre ikke frem den oppskrifen. Det gjelder "hekla lue", kan du hjelpe meg?
    Min mail adresse er
    Med vennlig hilsen cathrine

    1. Beklager, min gamle blogg ser ut til å være tatt over av noen andre (no spam/reklame), og jeg husker ikke lengre mitt passord. Jeg har dessverre ikke lagret mønsteret.

  10. This is lovely! Thank you!
    I found you through Annemarie's Haakblog.
    Oombawka Design

  11. Thanks, I love the look of this and I love slouch hats. I also have the perfect yarn on hand.

  12. I loved this pattern, Do yo have any photo of the hat finished? I mean flat, I want to know if the one I this had the right form :)

    All my love From Chile (South-America)

    1. Sorry, no other photos :(
      Hope you can figure it out. Maybe you can check on ravelry?

  13. When you say repeat rows 2 & 3 after the first two, do we work in the stitches the back loops made or the original stitches? Sorry if this question is confusing :(

    1. You work row 2 in the regular way, row 3 i back loops only. Does that make sense?

  14. I just finished the slouchy hat for my daughter, i had to start with more than 58 chain, and play around with the stiches so it wouldnt be pointy. I am so happy the way it looks and my daughter loves it. Thank you so much for easy follow instructions

  15. I don't understand. Once I got to the single crochet part, I started decreasing the way you said and it is NOT 29.5 centimeters. What am I doing wrong?? How many rows of single crochets are there? Please help!

  16. How was the ball for the hat made..?

  17. I did the hat in reverse, using the same stitches to make the pretty pattern at the brim, and it came out perfectly. In other words, I didn't start at the brim but at the back, like most slouch hats are made. That way, I had more control over how big I wanted the slouch and I didn't have to worry about a pointy back. If you search online for the Hadley Slouch, it's basically the same hat but with different stitches, but instead of using the Hadley hat stitches I used the stitches suggested here.

  18. Just finished mine and love it. I also liked your tutorial. I think everything we need to know to make the beanie is written here. I started with 70 chains and went from there.
    Thank you for sharing.

  19. on the decrease rows do you do one row of no decreases between each dec. row or only the first one?

  20. I didn't do any plain rows with no decrease. I decreased every row until I got to dec. every two stitches. Then I pulled a loop through all the stitches and tied it off. It was still nice and slouchy and no point!

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